Thursday, January 6, 2011

here we all are

Hi! Welcome to Piecrumbs, a place for food ventures and fancy. I am Cara Beth Rahm, a wife; daughter; sister; and friend. I believe an English roasted chicken is about a romantic a thing as any.

 Days can pass by without me catching any solid stream of consciousness. However, my thoughts always resurface in a pot of boiling water, in that afternoon saunter to the kitchen (you know the one), or in a hot cuppa with cream. So what if my recipes fall apart and inspiration only shows up in one word posts? It works for me if it does for you.

Also, I love watching other people cook, like my mother or her mother. Cooking is a skill each woman and man can pass on to someone else. It is revitalizing to discover our differences and learn by doing.  I figure the more new things I make the better I will become at creating food around good moments. Or is it creating moments around good food? I sure don't know, and that's the purpose of the blog; to have a look at how the two fade into each other.

 The kitchen is the heart of my hearts, and I dream of dancing in one with my own family some day while each person prepares and plates a dish. Then we will all sit around a huge table, eat dinner, and have good conversations.

  "Here we all are!" I'll exclaim. And there you are, love. I hope you enjoy the journal and share some bits of your own life.

1 comment:

  1. Yea!!! I'm so excited you started a blog. I can't wait to read it.
