Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Apple-mint salsa

What you will need:

2 granny smith or other sweet green apples, peeled

1 red bell pepper

1/2 medium red onion

1 jalepeno, seeds and white pith taken out, (or not, if you like spicy)

A handful of fresh mint leaves, some chopped, some torn

The juice of two limes

A round tablespoon or two of honey, I used a local brand

Salt and pepper

What you will need to do:

Chop the red bell pepper, onion, and jalepeno in uniform pieces. I don't like big chunks, so I made small chops. Add in your mint, tearing some pieces so as to make it look more rustic.

Chop up the apples last, as they brown quickly.

Whisk together the lime juice, honey, salt, and pepper. I didn't record exact measurements here. So, do what you think tastes best.

Pour the dressing over the ingredients and mix with a fork or your hands.

Pop in the fridge for a good two hours, for best results.

As for Rob and me, we dug right in with sweet potato chips from the farmer's market.

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